How to Infer?

Once you have a multi-task model trained on your tasks, we provide a convenient and easy way to use it for getting predictions on samples through the inference pipeline.

class infer_pipeline.inferPipeline(modelPath, maxSeqLen=128)[source]

For running inference on samples using a trained model for say TaskA, TaskB and TaskC, you can import this class and load the corresponding multi-task model by making an object of this class with the following arguments

  • modelPath (str) – Path to the trained multi-task model for required tasks.
  • maxSeqLen (int, defaults to 128) – maximum sequence length to be considered for samples. Truncating and padding will happen accordingly.


>>> from infer_pipeline import inferPipeline
>>> pipe = inferPipeline(modelPath = 'sample_out_dir/', maxSeqLen = 50)
infer(dataList, taskNamesList, batchSize=8, seed=42)[source]

This is the function which can be called to get the predictions for input samples for the mentioned tasks.

  • Samples can be packed in a list of lists manner as the function processes inputs in batch.
  • In case, an input sample requires sentence pair, the two sentences can be kept as elements of the list.
  • In case of single sentence classification or NER tasks, only the first element of a sample will be used.
  • For NER, the infer function automatically splits the sentence into tokens.
  • All the tasks mentioned in taskNamesList are performed for all the input samples.
  • dataList (list of lists) –

    A batch of input samples. For eg.

    [<sentenceA>, <sentenceB>],

    [<sentenceA>, <sentenceB>],


    or in case all the tasks just require single sentence inputs,




  • taskNamesList (list) –

    List of tasks to be performed on dataList samples. For eg.

    [‘TaskA’, ‘TaskB’, ‘TaskC’]

    You can choose the tasks you want to infer. For eg.


  • batchSize (int, defaults to 8) – Batch size for running inference.

List of dictionary objects where each object contains one corresponding input sample and it’s tasks outputs. The task outputs can also contain the confidence scores. For eg.


{‘Query’ : [<sentence>],

’TaskA’ : <TaskA output>,

’TaskB’ : <TaskB output>,

’TaskC’ : <TaskC output>},


Return type:

outList (list of objects)


>>> samples = [ ['sample_sentence_1'], ['sample_sentence_2'] ]
>>> tasks = ['TaskA', 'TaskB']
>>> pipe.infer(samples, tasks)