How to define your multi-task model?

Let’s consider you have three tasks - TaskA, TaskB and TaskC to train together. TaskA is single sentence classification type, TaskB is NER type and TaskC is sentence pair classification type. You can define a task file mentioning the required details about the task in following YAML format.

  model_type: BERT
  config_name: bert-base-uncased
  dropout_prob: 0.05
  - accuracy
  loss_type: CrossEntropyLoss
  task_type: SingleSenClassification
  - taskA_train.tsv
  - taskA_dev.tsv
  - taskA_test.tsv

  model_type: BERT
  config_name: bert-base-uncased
  dropout_prob: 0.3
  label_map_or_file: data/taskB_train_label_map.joblib
  - seq_f1
  - seq_precision
  - seq_recall
  loss_type: NERLoss
  task_type: NER
  - taskB_train.tsv
  - taskB_dev.tsv
  - taskB_test.tsv

  model_type: BERT
  config_name: bert-base-uncased
  dropout_prob: 0.05
  - accuracy
  loss_type: CrossEntropyLoss
  class_num: 2
  task_type: SentencePairClassification
  - taskC_train.tsv
  - taskC_dev.tsv
  - taskC_test.tsv

Few points to keep in mind while making the task file,

  • You can keep the tasks which you want to train a single model for in this file.
  • The file can have either a single task or multiple tasks. In case only a single task is mentioned, the model will act like single-task model.
  • The task names (TaskA, TaskB and TaskC) are unique identifiers for the task, hence the task names must always be distinct.
  • The model type for all the tasks mentioned in the file must be the same, as the library uses a single shared encoder model for all these tasks.

Task file parameters

Detailed description of the parameters available in the task file.

  • task_type (required) : Format of the task as described in Task types
  • file_names (required) : List of standard data tsv file names required for task. The first file is considered as train file, second file as dev file and the third file as test file.
  • model_type (required) : Type of shared encoder model to use. The model type for all the tasks mentioned in the file must be the same. You can refer Model type for selecting model type.
  • config_name (optional) : Config of the encoder model. You can refer Model type for selecting the model type config. In case this parameter is not present, default config will be used.
  • class_num (required/optional) : Number of classes present for classification. This parameter is optional if label_map_or_file is provided, required otherwise.
  • label_map_or_file (required/optional) :
    • In case labels are strings, this is the list of unique labels.
    • You can also give a joblib dumped dictionary map file like {‘label1’:0, ‘label2’:1, ..}.
    • If you’re using Data Transformations to create the data files, path to the label_map file created along with transformed files is to be given here.
  • loss_type (required) : Type of loss for training as defined in Losses.
  • dropout_prob (optional): Dropout probability to use between encoder hidden outputs and task specific headers.
  • metrics (optional) : List of metrics to use during evaluation as defined in Metrics.
  • loss_weight (optional): Loss weight value (between 0 to 1) for individual task.